The COVID-19 Community Response Coalition (CRC), Community Health Worker leaders in San Antonio, and Northwest Vista’s Community Health Worker faculty members are partnering to host a summit meeting for all Community Health Workers (CHWs) working in Bexar County. The goal of this meeting is to bring together CHWs to create a supportive network to share lessons learned, best practices, key messages, and essential resources for community health workers and for the communities we serve. As we continue to develop strategies and collaborations to combat the current public health crisis posed by COVID-19, community health workers must continue to come together to strengthen our collective impact and to develop a supportive peer-to-peer network and alliances with other disciplines to expand our reach and service delivery.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 12 from 3:00pm to 5:00 pm.
For questions about the event, please contact Guadalupe Cornejo, Community Health Instructor/Northwest Vista College at mcornejo2@alamo.edu