“The project is meant to improve the physical and cognitive functions and the quality of life in older Latino adults through incorporating the Chinese health qigong exercise Five Animal Play into their everyday lives”
“Contact tracing is a method used to find and follow up with people who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. People who were around this individual are called contacts. By tracing the contacts of COVID-19 cases, having them self-isolate, if necessary, and testing, when appropriate, we can reduce the spread of coronavirus” Texas Deparment of State Health Services
We are collaborating with Luz M. Garcini, PhD., MPH. of the Center for Research to Advance Community Health (ReACH) and we are extending the following invitation.
“The COVID pandemic has increased distress in our communities, and we would like to provide you and your community with coping strategies to protect your mental health and wellness. We invite you to participate in an online needs assessment focus group and brief survey to tell us what the current mental health needs in your community as a result of the COVID pandemic are and how we could help you address such needs.
We will use the information gathered from the groups to develop an online mental health and wellness prevention training program that will be offered free of charge to you and other CHWs throughout South Texas.
Please see the attached flyer for additional information and days for the needs assessments. To sign up for one of the focus groups, please email Dr. Luz Garcini at garcini@uthscsa.edu to reserve your spot. Each group will be limited to 20 CHWs. If you cannot attend on the dates given, email us to let us know that you are interested so that we can create additional groups.
Your feedback and knowledge is essential during this challenging time! Please email us if you have any questions”.
In gratitude,
Luz M. Garcini, PhD., MPH.
Assistant Professor
Center for Research to Advance Community Health (ReACH)