CHW (CSR Outreach)- Maximus

Maximus is hiring in the Lubbock, Abilene and Midland areas for CHW (CSR Outreach) . These are home based positions so check the counties covered by each position. Please help us recruit for these areas. Interested candidates can apply at

and click on careers.

Navigator and Nurse Care Coordinator Positions Open

The positions will be focused on screening HIV patients for Hepatitis C and educating, providing care coordination, and linkage to treatment. These staff positions will be working with clinicians and administrators to implement Project TACKLE at our Family-Focused AIDS Clinical Treatment Services (FFACTS).

The Navigator position can be accessed here.

The Nurse Care Coordinator can be accessed here.

Any applicants that are interested in applying need to send resumes to Delana Gonzales at and Ms. Katelyn Buchanan – Please note, we are looking to hire as soon as possible. We welcome any questions regarding the positions.

Community Health Worker | Part Time

The Hope International for Community Development (HICD) is a faith based organization. Our mission is to assist the poor with sustainable programs to progress. Our clients include needy individuals, refugees and families from the community. Current programs offered by HICD includes: Hunger ministry, job placement, and social service assistance. The Agency also offers referral services, and works to educate the community about various welfare resources. The Hunger ministry is done with the partnership of local churches and from 2011 each year HICD has distributed food to 2000 individuals. Through the Hurricane Harvey Project we have provided food, basic needs and rental assistance to several evacuees. The HICD Founder Samuel Rajkumar works as Director of the agency. A Board of Directors with 6 volunteer members guides the HICD.

We are partners with Health Collaborative HUB Navigators Program as Care Coordination Agencies (CCAs) to provide face-to-face visits and community care coordination to identify and remedy the social influencers of health. The Hope International for Community Development (HICD) as one of the Care Coordination Agencies (CCA), in combination with other entities under contract with the HUB, will provide this community based care coordination using the Pathways model and systems by hiring a Community Health Worker as Navigator. The HUB is designed to coordinate the effort to engage adult, pediatric and pregnant individuals at risk for poor health and social outcomes. The HUB aims to improve health and social outcomes for enrolled community members. 

Duties and Deliverables through Navigator’s (CHW) work: 

The CCA shall, subject to the direction of the HUB and the HUB’s Quality Assurance Manual: 

1. Hire and maintain a Texas State certified Community Health Workers (CHWs) fully dedicated to community care coordination through the Pathways model; 

2. Supervise CHW fully dedicated to the HUB; 

3. Provide timely and appropriate supervision of home visits and related documentation; 

4. Identify at-risk underserved individuals within the identified populations and enroll them as care coordination clients through the HUB; 

5. Provide home visiting based community care coordination consistent with National Pathways Community HUB Certification requirements; 

6. Connect clients with evidenced based interventions associated with specific Pathways. 

7. Track its service to clients using Pathways to document progress and outcomes in the HUB’s data system; 

8. Maintain all client data in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and all regulations promulgated there under (including (but not limited to) the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (“HITECH”) and all regulations promulgated there under; 

9. Enter into a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement with the HUB, and with any other entity with which it shares client data; 

10. Modify its consent/release of information agreement, to be signed by clients to authorize the required sharing of personal health information (PHI) throughout the HUB and its affiliates. The HUB will review CCA’s consent documents and advise as to any modifications necessary, to be in compliance with HUB requirements; 

11. Secure proper authorization, in writing or electronically secure, from clients prior to the gathering of client PHI; 

12. Transmit to the HUB, within 48 hours, properly executed client consent authorization; 

13. Complete service documentation for HUB quality improvement review and billing within expected timelines. These include 48-hour minimum for CHW documentation and 48 hours for completed supervisor documentation. 

14. Attend HUB training and all required continuing education and training meetings provided by the HUB for both CHW and supervisor; 

15. Participate in other community events, as defined by the HUB, and serve to represent the local HUB at meetings no more than an average of two times per month;  

16. Provide representation on the HUB Community Advisory Board to promote the growth and further development of the HUB and expand the positive outcome impact within the service region; 

17. Maintain human resource policies and procedures in compliance with HUB operational requirements; 

18. Perform quality improvement and participate in quality assurance activities of the HUB; 

19. Work and innovate, collaboratively and respectfully, with other HUB CCAs and direct service providers to transform health and reduce risks faced within the communities served; and 

20. Comply with all HUB operational standards as described in the Quality Assurance Manual. 

Pay: Around $12/per hour up to 20 hrs per week

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